
NOSTIMO - Olive oil from Crete

Origin and Production

This Cretan olive oil comes of the cultivation area around Mohos in the province Heraklion.
The olive trees as well as the cultivation area are since many generations in the possession of the family Diamantakis, their origin already in 17. Century lies.
By the personal monitoring it is ensured that between harvest and pressing only few hours offense, in order not to reduce the quality of the oil by storage of the olives in bags.
During pressing the olives without each additional effect of warmth between stones are caught to grind and the oil.
The storage of the oil up to the filling takes place - as at Minoan time in clay jugs.
Also pressing the olives is personally supervised by Mr. Diamantakis, in order to avoid each mixture with oil of other producers, which do not attach importance on biological cultivation.

Olive oil history and mythology

Already before 4,000 years farmers on Crete manufactured specially native olive oil.

Over many centuries the history of the olive tree and the olive oil is connected with the long history of Crete, where before thousands of years the foundation-stone of the western civilization was put, and which developed European history. Many the historian mention Crete as homeland of the olive tree, basely at archaeological finds. It was even written that originally olive trees already 3000 v. Chr. With Knossos were cultivated. In centres a place in the palace was the area with the olive press, of where out by lines the olive oil was filled directly into the large Amphoren, in order to store it there.
The production took place in organized, commercial mechanisms in the settlements, the palaces and the temple areas of the rich basic owners, for the needs of each municipality. To it the olive oil in different form the subject of the minoan export trade with the Greek mainland and the Cycladen became parallel.
The number of archaeological finds is large: organic remainders, tools, mechanisms, documents, blackboards and other one, which confirm the dominant presence of the olive tree and the olive oil on Crete.
Paul Faure mentions that during the minoan years the farmers of Crete the olive tree as very importantly regarded, nearly holy, that one could not only eat the olive fruit, also the oil. The olive oil was also useful, as application in, and basis flavour material for the hygiene, as pure product for oblations at holy places, for the medicine and the magic, as lubricant for tools, as fuel for the daily lighting, for the sports area and to the embalm of dead ones.
In accordance with the classical cretan mythology, Athena, was born protection goddess of the olive tree on Crete at the sources of the river triton and the cultivation culture of the cretan olive tree brought the Daktylus Herkules on the Peleponnes.
With the conditions of the idolization and protection of the olive tree on Crete, while all epochs, everyone can understand well that this holy tree on the island could always survive and the main source of income of the economy forms.
Surely, this highly gifted tree was already well-known from age with other peoples, as with the Egyptians and the Palestinian.
Here we remember that the Bible (book of the judges) represents the olive tree as the most intelligent one of all trees and also plays the leading role in following history: The trees met once, in order to select their king! They said to the olive tree: “Become our king and govern us…” But the olive tree answered: “And I am to leave my oil and the fruit, for which the Gods and humans worship me, in order to govern… trees…, no, I no king would like to become…!
These exciting reports remind us of the long history of the olive tree and its golden fruit, and justify the French researcher and writer Jaques Lacariere, which mentions.
With a miracle the longevity of the olive tree, which is exactly the same cultivated, is alike as ever and remained always holy into the today's time…


Tree, which from age for the Greek and until today for us, who remains fastest and greenest way between the desire of the Gods and humans.
In the old Greece, the Dioskouridis and the Dioklis the characteristics, Anaxsagoras and Empedoklis praised investigated the historical way, Aristoteles brought out the olive processing as science, and Solon created the first law for the protection of the olive tree with the law basis, which forbade to cases of more than two olive trees in each field during a yearly. Aristoteles mentioned however that, which falls an improved olive tree, with which death is punished.
Thus this holy tree with the highly gifted fruit is admired the “symbol for knowledge, wisdom, abundance, peace, health, Kraft and beauty”, over thousands of years, and is the living myth of civilizations became, was supported from legends, traditions, religious God services.
This olive tree, prefers and emphasized, shows up with the today's confirmation of scientific research as main factor of the health and high life expectancy.

… as many oil, oh my God! …

When the female pioneer of the nourishing research, Ansel of dock, Crete and the Crete discovered 1957, it that the island inhabitants have an only very low portion of heart diseases, explained the highest life expectancy in Europe and proclaimed it in such a way. “There (on Crete) the inhabitants use little meat and few milk products, but as much olive oil, oh my God! …
That is their only fat for cooking. They admit or pour this it rich on everything that they serve. “
Thus the oil of the olive, the Elixir of the life, cretan olive oil, main factor of the healthy nutrition and promoter of the health of the Crete.

The olive tree - 23th September

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